Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Fruitful Month At Orphelinat Universel Des Oeuvreshumanitaires

The month of October was a fruitful month through teaching of God’s Word and English to the orphans of ORPHELINAT UNIVERSEL DES OEUVRES HUMANITAIRES.

With the young ones (4 – 12 years), of which there are 8 children (4 boys and 4 girls), we have begun a series of teachings from God’s Word called ‘’Lessons of Life‘’. The first lesson spoke about ‘’The Creation‘’ which was followed by coloring drawing of Creation’s histories. The goal of this lesson was to give them a biblical explanation of the Creation. And help them to understand and appreciate the tremendous Power and Goodness of God so that they are encouraged to respect and love Him as they should.  We believe that God is accomplishing this in their hearts.

With the teens, of which there are 3 (1 boy and 2 girls), we have begun a series of biblical lessons from ‘’The Book of Hope‘’ (A publication of Book of Hope International) which speak about topics related to teenagers. The first lesson taught about ‘’The Family‘’. The main goal was for the orphans to see God as a loving Father who wants to save and reconcile them in His Family through repentance and faith in His Son Jesus-Christ. One week after that lesson, one of them, Perkins made the decision to become a child of God. He is the first fruit of ours there, praise God. For the other girls, we have kept asking that God will open the eyes of their hearts so they realize their need to be saved.

Praise God, after the second lesson about ‘’Longing’’ (it taught them to find deliverance from sins only in Jesus-Christ), they (Adele and Michelle) realized their need of salvation and they confessed their sins and prayed to receive Jesus-Christ in their hearts as their Lord and Savior. Here are a few words from Adele testifying of her salvation: ‘’I realized after giving my life to Jesus-Christ that my behavior has changed …’’

Let’s bless the Name of our Lord Jesus-Christ who worked in their hearts through the Holy Spirit.
Let’s pray that God will continue His work, bringing them to the maturity of Jesus-Christ.

‘’To Him who is able to keep them from stumbling and present them blameless before the presence of His glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus-Christ our Lord , be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen ’’.

Enjoy the followings photos illustrating the work of God through us.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bible Study With Elderly

On October 16, we also studied prayer with elderly blind man of more than seventy years named ‘’Michel’’ in the same quarter as the widows. He previously accepted Jesus-Christ as his Lord and Savior and he is a joyful man.

We explain to him the necessity to always come before God in prayer for all his need and to cast all his anxieties on Him. (1 Peter 5:7)

We believe God will care for him (He has vital needs: Food and medications because he has prostate disease).

Enjoy the followings photos illustrating the work of God through us.

Bible Study With The Widows

On October 16, we studied the Bible with two widows in one of the poorest quarters of Yaoundé called Nsam. The coincidence is that they have the same name ‘’Elisabeth’’With one of them, we studied on prayer, encouraging her to set her hope on God and continuing in supplications and prayers night and day. (1Timothy 5:5)

With the other widow, we give her a Bible helping her understand her necessity to be saved. After sharing with her the Gospel, she believed in Jesus-Christ for her salvation and she has begun to read her Bible.  Praise God for her salvation!

Let’s pray that they continue to grow in their faith in Jesus-Christ, trusting in Him to care for their children (They have crucial needs: Food, housing, medications, schools fees, and books).

Enjoy the followings photos illustrating the work of God through us.